Sunday, October 18, 2009


I am a Technology and Integration Specialist and eMINTS Trainer/PD4ets for Centralia Public Schools. We are located right in the middle of MO between St. Louis and Kansas City.

I am a former classroom teacher and "learner for life". Learning technology has been a pleasure for me and at times a hobby. I realize that that is not always the case for many "digital immigrants", but we are in a world where the "digital natives" are in the classroom and their idea of fun is being plugged into the world around them. However, in most cases they don't seek out training for their technological needs, they discover them on their own. They explore technology and are unaware how it can be used to enhance their academic experience and allow them to take an active role in the learning process.

The National Education Technology Standards for Students help educators identify how technology can be integrated into the classroom for both digital literacy and a classroom environment that promotes "student centered learning".

I hope to share with you the way one district is "identifying" target areas for improvement using various technology literacy assessments centered around the NETS-S.

Friday, October 16, 2009

MITC Presentation

F075: Student Literacy Assessment Using the NETS-S

The presentation for today contains the main presentation, movies, links to resources, and sample tech assessment questions.

Presentation (zipped file)   COMING SOON

Here are samples of two assessments that were used with middle school students to determine target areas for improvement:

Simple Assessment Questions Samples
Atomic Learning Tech Assessment Samples